Sunday, November 23, 2014

Holding onto Hope

Many of you may be wondering why it has taken me so long to post again... At first it was because I was caught up int he busyness of college. Two months ago I was worried about hanging out with friends and whether or not I was going to make an A on my exam. Looking back though, the things that seemed to matter are so small now.

Last week was a whopper of a week for my family... Not only did we find out that my brother has cancer, but we also lost my Uncle Jake in a terrible way. Let's just say it was a bad week to be a Grubb. When it rains, it poor right?

I have always thought of myself as a strong person, but last week just about broke me. It broke my heart to see so many people I loved hurting. It broke my heart to know that I'll never see Jake again. It broke my heart that three children were left behind orphaned. It broke my heart to know Levi was about to start a fight for his life. Most of all, it broke my heart that there was nothing I could do to fix everything.

In this dark hour, I could hardly do anything but literally cry out to my God. Even though I could not form words, I believe with all my heart that he heard me. Without my faith, I'm not sure how I would have made it.. Without my faith, I'm not sure how I would make it through today.

My heart still hurts, but I am clinging tightly to the hope that can only be found in the King of Kings and the Lord of Lords. As I sit here in the hospital waiting room, I realize that there are many broken people who do not have that precious hope to cling to. Now my heart also hurts for those who are not only broken but also those who are lost and without hope.

My cries of brokenness have now turned to prayers that God would use my family to bring him glory in this time of trial. We are so blessed because of our family, our friends, and most of all our faith in God. I already have some ideas of how to share these blessings with the people we are meeting here in the hospital. Please be praying that they come through! Don't worry-- I'll be asking for your help in these projects soon enough.

Leah Beth

So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am with your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.
Isaiah 41:10

Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Lunch at Silke's Old World Bakery

Today was a really good day... Why you ask? Because I was able to meet my lovely nana for lunch and manicures (yes, she spoils me). We decided to eat at a place we've always talked about going, but for some reason haven't tried out: Silke's Old World Breads.

The atmosphere was quaint. The prices reasonable. The company enjoyable. The food fantastic.

I think I have found my second favorite place to eat in Clarksville (after the Blackhorse of course). The menu was filled with many different sandwiches, soups, and salads. After much deliberation, we chose to share a homemade pizza and a bread bowl with potato soup.
Here's a picture of our meal:

If you like bread than Silke's is the place for you! If you don't like bread, well you probably aren't American, and most definitely not Southern. Silke's won't have your typical biscuit, but they do appear to have a multitude of other choices to fill your bread craving. Honestly, I just want to go back and sample each type of bread.

me + chocolate truffle 

Or maybe I want to go back and sample every type of dessert. Did I mention the huge selection of desserts? As you can see, I sampled one of their truffles. It kind of really just melted in my mouth.. Basically I think I could have ate about 5 more. 

If you haven't been to Silke's Old World Breads, you should go. As in go, RIGHT NOW! Seriously, drop whatever you are doing and head on down to Clarksville to try this place out. On your way, though, you better stop and pick me up from APSU! I probably won't be too happy if you go without me....

Silke's Old World Bakery
1214 A and B College Street
Clarksville, TN 37040
Check out their Facebook page for more information!

Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Welcome to the World of LBG

Hello blog readers!

Well, I am hoping someone takes the time to read this anyways...

I'm not exactly sure how this blog thing works, so bear with me as I figure it out! I lead a seemingly normal life so I hope my writings do not bore you to tears... Please be prepared for plenty of typical white girl topics such as clothes and chocolate. I also warn you that I like to talk about working out, my sweets addiction, and most of all Jesus. If you have an interests in any of those things, then you've come to the right place my friend!

Most college students would run away from anything that involves more writing. However, you'll come to find that I am not like most people my age. In fact, my inner nerd is actually rejoicing at this opportunity to write and express my thoughts.

Here's to hoping I haven't scared you off quite yet!

Leah Beth

"Look to your LORD for strength; seek his face always." Psalm 105:4